
Bart gives clinics internationally, which are arranged by an organizer after consultation. These give both participants and spectators a clear framework how theory, riding patterns, and biomechanics can be used daily to improve the wellbeing of their horses. Clinics cost €1200 excluding travel expenses (the organizer is also responsible for finding accomodation).

The maximum amount of lessons during a clinic is 10 per day, these last 45 minutes per lesson. Additionally, Bart can do one theory session per day, lasting one hour per session. The topics for the theory sessions can be chosen by the organiser. For example, topics might include achieving and improving side-movements, how to achieve collection, riding patterns throughout history, High School exercises, etcetera.

If you are interested in booking a clinic or discussing options, please send an inquiry to


In his teaching, Bart is inspired by the ideals from riding masters in the past. They aimed to ride with a high degree of collection and self-carriage without losing suppleness and lightness. This ensures that the horse moves in a biomechanically healthy way, carrying the rider optimally. In his teaching, Bart will explain in a logical way how to move your seat synchronous to the movement of your horse, which will prevent a lot of commonly felt resistance. In addition, calmness is maintained even when the horse has a high degree of impulsion.

The eventual goal, like it was since the creation of dressage, is to be able to ride with almost invisible aids and that all movements can be done without any effort. Above all, Bart prioritizes the motivation and enjoyment of the horse in all aspects of training. It is essential as a rider to be fair and consistent, to reward the horse for their efforts, to never use force, to not overwork the horse and to give enough breaks. As a result, your horse will become more calm, eager to work with you, and stay physically healthy.
